2,000 Visitors - Thank you!

Today my blog hit the 2,000 visitor mark! Thank you so much to everyone who visits!

I'm going to leave you for the weekend with Rachel and Joe. Funny how things work out...they got stuck behind a bad accident and were an hour late to their session, the sun was setting fast, I thought we were going to have to cancel, then I thought "Nah, I work better under pressure" - and "wah-la" one of my most favorite engagement sessions ever.

Because they were late we had to kind of scrap our original plan, instead they jumped in my mini-van and we all rode together down this long country road I had never been on before and we all just jumped out at various spots! It was like a little adventure!
We ended our little adventure on top of the Chain of Rocks Bridge overlooking the big ole' Mississippi!

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