~Some of my favorite people in the whole world~

"You need to meet my friend Dawn so ya'll can get married and have babies" -

That's what I used to tell my best friend Brian ALL the time. Brian and Dawn are both some of the very best friends I've ever had...but they came from different "circles" of friends so they didn't know each other.

Dawn was my best friend..literally since pre-school, Brian is one of the best friends I've ever had in my life we were attached at the hip for about 5 years straight. They had never met but I knew they were meant to be.

I finally forced them together (literally stuck them in a car together for 30 minutes by their selves when they didn't hardly know each other) - and "Wah-la" it was LOVE :)
Their kids are too cute for words...just enjoy! Brian & Dawn there is a big fat spot on my heart with your names on it, I love you guys it was so good to see you again!
"You need to meet my best friend Dawn so ya'll can get married and have babies" - and so they did...

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