Ep 77 - Kelly got her son in trouble by the cops, PLUS who on the crew makes business phone calls while taking a dump?

We're getting the hang of this LIVE show, thing! Still no phone calls but we're working on that and it should be up soon. We had our good friend Chris Becker back on the show today to talk a little politics on the recent election and share our thoughts on the protests and craziness around it.

Next, Kelly recounts the story about getting her son in trouble with the cops. Let's just say it involves the Manno-mobile and window diving. You'll have to listen to get the full story - its a good one.

Lastly, we decided to play a game because we're all stressed about this stupid election and Producer Stephanie practically begged us. Check it out to hear the latest installment of 'Never Have I Ever' and find out some of the crazy things we have, and haven't, done.

Thanks again to Becker for hanging out with us!

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