Ep. 78 - What's the deal with hunting? Plus our phones work and we have CALLERS!

You guys, we did it! We figured out the phones and took CALLERS on today's Live show! Woo! We are so smart!

So, as you know, Kelly has her concealed carry license and carries a gun. She also has taken classes and continues to get educated on how to use it properly and in what scenarios its appropriate. Did you see the story about the Lake St. Louis man who is being charged with murdering a guy who was stealing his car? He apparently shot and killed the suspect as he was stealing his car in the middle of the night. Kelly says, as an educated gun owner, she would've never shot at the car. What do you think of these charges? Was he justified in shooting at someone stealing his property? 

Next we have Hoss' dad, Dan, in the studio along with our first-ever caller (!!!) to talk about hunting. Its hunting season in Missouri and Kelly can't get her mind wrapped around why anyone would want to do this. Clearly, hanging out in a tree stand for hours with no wifi is not her idea of fun. Dan talks about deer hunting and our caller, Matt, talks a bit about duck hunting and we try to get to the bottom of why this is even a thing. 

Then, after a most enlightening round of 'Would You Rather?', we get to Taylor Swift. It was bound to happen, guys. T Swizzle has released a photo of a DJ she is alleging went up her skirt and grabbed her butt in a photo op. He's denying the claim and says the photo is his best defense. Check out the photo here and let us know what you think!

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